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~Sparkly Fusion

Thursday, April 2, 2009

*Chapter 13* The Slug DID IT!

Max started the story with the challenge to eat the slug and how they went to find it. Their mother, who knew some Korean translated for the firemen and their neighbor. Max talked very seriously, but as their mom related the story to the Koreans, they couldn’t stop laughing. Finally, Max got to the part about the screaming slug, blowing up and how they ate the insides of it. At this point the firemen were rolling around on the floor laughing so hard that they could hardly believe. Their old neighbor women went over to the garbage bag and opened it. Seeing the pieces of dead slug, she also started laughing.

The old woman explained to Mrs. Mathews how to cook sea slug. First, you have to squeeze the slug so that liquid comes out of the inside. Then you put the slug into a boiling pot of water to boil it- NOT to fry it. After the slug has been boiled, the slimy outside of the skin turns rough. People only eat the outside of the slug and NEVER the inside. The old woman went on to explain that Max and Leo ate the wrong part. They ate the dung of the slug.

“Ewwwwwwwww!” screamed Max.

“I think I am sick,” replied Leo.

The firemen went on to explain to Mrs. Mathews that people don’t usually eat sea slugs until winter. Just like raw fish people usually stayed away from the sea slugs caught during the summer. That’s probably why the kids had gotten the sea slug for free. Everyone laughed and laughed until tears were coming from their eyes.

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