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My hope is that you will find a wide variety of creativity here!

~Sparkly Fusion

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Borders of Life

Borders of Life

(Isaiah 26)

Is life void of virtue?

I wanna reach to you.

I couldn't save the world.

My existence furled.

I can’t make the dead talk,

Or the silent ghosts walk.

Am I ignitable?

Or only err able?

Currency, Security, Boss, Loss

Release me from my cage, stretch the borders

Alcohol, Protocol, Fears, Peers

Release me from my cage, stretch the borders

Make me the fuel, flame of God!

Make me the fuel, flame of God!

You make the living – life

And good out of the strife

The more life that that you give

The more dead that will live

My spirit longs for you

And all that you can do

You, I want to honor

And not the mirror

Alcohol, Good School, Fence, Rent

Release me from my cage, stretch the borders

Status quo, Letting go, politics, watching flicks

Release me from my cage, stretch the borders

Make me the fuel, flame of God!

Make me the fuel, flame of God!

Journeys, economies, Drugs, thugs

Release me from my cage, stretch the borders

Paying rent, silent, fashion, ration

Release me from my cage, stretch the borders

Make me the fuel, flame of God!

Make me the fuel, flame of God!

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