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My hope is that you will find a wide variety of creativity here!

~Sparkly Fusion

Thursday, April 2, 2009

*Chapter 10* Dead Screaming Slug

“We killed a screaming slug and now it’s raining just like this story,” said Daisy.

“We share the same ocean as these women. We killed the screaming slug and now it’s raining. What if we killed the same kind of rain slug those women did?”

“Ah! That’s why that man didn’t want to sell it to us,” said Leo. “How about we make a fire? We’ll do the same thing that that woman in the story did!”

“Right! And since there’s nothing dry outside, I am sure that we can just burn a few notebooks and garbage. I know where mom keeps the lighter for the candles. I’ll go get them!” said Max.

Leo and Daisy collected some paper and old newspapers and piled it up in the middle of the living room floor. “It’s not too big, it won’t get out of hand,” thought Daisy. “Plus, I don’t want these Korean people knowing that their city is flooding because we killed their sea slug.”

“We can do this,” said Max. “No one will notice the flood if we start the fire right away. Hurry up!”

After they piled everything up, Max slowly lit the pile with the lighter. Slowly and carefully, the children watched as their pile burned. They didn’t think about the fire reaching the fire alarm. And unlike American buildings when the fire alarm goes off in just one room, when their apartment alarm started, every alarm went off in the whole building. The kids stared blankly at each other not knowing what to do.

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