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~Sparkly Fusion

Thursday, April 2, 2009

*Chapter 9* Indonesian Flood Stories

The boys were not happy to stop their video game, but Daisy seemed distraught. They came and looked at the same page that Daisy was looking at. They read the Indonesian flood story together.

A long time ago some women were sitting on a log chopping a large stalk. As they were doing this, the Indonesian women noticed some bleeding from the cuts they were making. They looked down at the end of their stalk and saw that it was really a giant, sea creature. Instead of letting the animal go the women decided to kill it and eat it. When they were frying the pieces, strange screaming noises came from the frying pan and a torrential rain began pouring down on the village. The rain flooded the entire city so people had to move to higher ground. One smart woman noticed that if you rubbed some stones together it would start a fire. She was the first one to ever make fire and eventually the water in the village dried up.

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