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~Sparkly Fusion

Thursday, April 2, 2009

*Chapter 5* The Slug Goes Home

“That was really nice of him to give us free sea food,” said Daisy. “I thought that you usually had to buy something in Korea before they gave you something free. Now we can use the money to get something normal for lunch.”

“Well, you know, they were probably confused why in the world there were three foreign kids here in this market. We definitely don’t look like their average customers. Maybe they thought that we were monsters? Hahaha!” laughed Max. But Max was right. The three children did not look anything like the people that populated the streets of their small Korean market. Max and Daisy had blonde hair, blue eyes and pale skin. Leo had light brown hair and green eyes, but was especially recognizable because he was covered in freckles. If that wasn’t enough to make the Koreans stare at them, Max was carrying a brown paper package that was still moving.

As they walked back to their apartment, they talked excitedly about their plans for the rest of the week. Tomorrow was Saturday and their parents had promised to take them to the nearby amusement park- Seoul Land. And on Sunday, they would attend church in downtown Seoul. Even though the bus ride was quite far, the whole family looked forward to going. Many foreigners attended the service including children the same age as Daisy, Max, and Leo. But one of their favorite parts about going into Seoul was the chance to eat Tacos. Western food was not popular near their Korean apartment, but near church there was a taco restaurant that everyone loved.
When they got back to their apartment building, the old woman next door was still cooking and the nasty smell was still coming out of her apartment. Daisy stood in front of their door and was looking through her bag for the keys. Their old neighbor woman came outside with a bowl and spoon. Inside the bowl was the smelly thing that she had seemed to be cooking all day.

“Hurry up and get inside, Max, I think she’s trying to poison us,” said Daisy. But they were too late. The woman was holding out a spoonful of brown liquid with a big white chunk floating in the middle. Daisy hadn’t found the keys to the apartment yet so they were trapped. “What are we going to do?”

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