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My hope is that you will find a wide variety of creativity here!

~Sparkly Fusion

Thursday, April 2, 2009

*Chapter 6* Poisoned

“Just put it in your mouth, but don’t swallow it,” whispered Max. “Poison only kills you when you swallow it. We can spit it out as soon as we get inside.”
Bravely, Daisy opened her mouth and the woman pushed the spoon in. Daisy held the food in her mouth as she turned to open the door while her brothers opened their mouths.

“ke-kot-en ma-shi-sin-ka?” asked the woman.

The three stared blankly at her with their mouths full of the brown liquid. They had NO idea what she was telling them. She looked at them confusedly and then went back to her apartment. Quickly they opened the door and ran to the bathroom to spit out the poison.

“We gotta tell mom what that woman did to us!” Max said excitedly. “Maybe finally mom will take our side!” Max went to the refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of coke to get rid of the flavor in his mouth.

Daisy and Leo nodded enthusiastically, as they passed the coke around, taking turns sipping from the bottle. Max had dropped the slug on the floor when they got in the apartment and it was rolling around, still alive, but wrapped in the paper.

“Man, we almost got poisoned today. Isn’t that enough of a challenge, Max?” asked Leo. “I don’t want to do this anymore.”

“You can’t chicken out on me now, Beaver. Besides, I want to know what it tastes like. I think we all have to try it,” said Max.

“Yah, I’ll cook, it Beaver, and then I am sure that it will be fine,” said Daisy as she unwrapped the paper surrounding the slug and placed it on a platter. The three children stared intently at the object still moving slowly around.

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