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~Sparkly Fusion

Thursday, April 2, 2009

*Chapter 7* Cooking the Slug

“What do you think they feed this? Do you think that we could make it bite?” said Leo.

“It has no mouth,” explained Daisy.

“I think it does. See that hole there?” said Leo.

“How do you know that’s not the other end? Can you even guess that there are teeth in there?” asked Max.

“Listen! It’s making a purring noise. It sounds like a cat. I bet there is some kind of tongue in there!” said Leo.

“That’s ridiculous. An animal doesn’t need a tongue to make noise!” said Daisy.

“How do you know it’s an animal? Maybe it’s a sea CUCUMBER!” exclaimed Daisy.

“Daisy, come on! Everyone knows the difference between a sea cucumber and a sea slug,” said Max. “This is definitely a slug. Beaver, go research sea slug on the computer. We can compare it with a picture on the internet and maybe even figure out how to cook it.”

“Well there are no ovens to bake it, so I am going to grill it like a grilled cheese sandwich,” said Daisy. She reached into the refrigerator and pulled out two pieces of bread and buttered each side. Then she turned on the gas stove and put one piece of bread on the pan. Max intently carried the slug platter over to the stove and turned it over- dropping the slug into the greasy pan. Daisy and Max watched as the slug started moving faster and faster around pushing the piece of bread with it.

“This is disgusting, Max” said Daisy hardly able to watch. “I can’t believe we are going to watch this slug die like this.” And if that wasn’t enough, the slug started screaming with such a high-pitch that Leo came in thinking that it was his sister.

“Wow, that noise is awful!” exclaimed Leo. “Whoever knew that a slug could make that kind of noise?”

“Really! Take it off the burner, Daisy. I have no idea what this slug is going to do!” yelled Max over the high pitch scream of the slug. But just as she was reaching over to turn the heat down there was a loud popping noise and the sea slug went flying through the air! All three of the children dropped to the floor and covered their head as pieces of the flying sea slug fell all over them.

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