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~Sparkly Fusion

Monday, April 20, 2009

Looking for a Job - Who do YOU know?

How do you get that call back? These days people are searching everywhere for jobs monster.com, craigslist.com, etc. For an English major with a really random job history (lifeguard, swimming instructor, waitress, teaching English in South Korea, broadcasting, and now office management), finding a full-time job with benefits is seriously DRAINING! Looking online, writing cover letters, filling out 16 page applications only to get an hourly job. I'm even "in" with a staffing company, and I call them every Monday morning at 9:30. Two weeks have gone by and they still ask me the same questions each time I call (What kind of job are you looking for? How much would you like to get paid?). Why don't they keep these things in my file???I am tired of drinking a cup of coffee, getting my hopes up for that one email to come, only to sit at my computer in disappointment and look through jobsites everyday. I could look through my email and tell you the exact number, but I have applied for over 500 jobs. And less than half have even replied. Which leads me to this...

It's NOT what goes on your resume or even your education.

I think it's all about who you know. So, hmm.. who do YOU know? And, well part of it is knowing God, right? As hard as all of this is, without His patience, I wouldn't be where I am today. But after 500 jobs and all of the part-time work.. what is God showing me? Am I supposed to wait for the perfect job? Is this struggle to find out where I am really supposed to be? Is God showing me yet one more way I am supposed to trust Him in every situation? Or, is it something more.... Maybe I'll never know, but if I do I'll let you know. In the meantime, WHO DO YOU KNOW?

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