Welcome to my blog!

Welcome to my blog! I am happy that you are here!

My hope is that you will find a wide variety of creativity here!

~Sparkly Fusion

Monday, August 17, 2009

What's new?

Wow that last post was 4 MONTHS ago. So, what happened in 4 months? A lot!

I was waiting and waiting and waiting for an acceptance letter into the New York City Teaching Fellowship. I got in. And then, so many things happened that made me realize that I didn't really want to be in the program. I had a backup plan .. and it turned into plan A. I start St. Mary's University in Winona, MN on August 24.. in less than 2 weeks!

Since April I have worked for a textbook publishing company, two different elementary schools, a summer camp, and continued my other jobs part-time positions in ESL. Also, both of my roommates got married. I learned a lot (especially reception hall setup/take-down and how to put bouquets together - which will be a later post with pictures). 4 months ago I was really bored and really anxious! But now I see how many awesome things have happened! Yeah!

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